Attach3DTextLabel to vehicle

Hey there guys,

So i'm using the Zgaming Roleplay script, and i'm trying to test some things out with it. Although i've just started, thats why im asking you guys this,

Does anyone know how to make a Command (zcmd style) to attach a 3DTextLabel to a Vehicle?

For example,

/addsign [Sign Name] (Has to be attached on the back-left of the vehicle).

Thanks if someone is able to help me,

Well it could be attached to a player I don't really know about vehicles..

It is possible, but i dont know how to create a CMD with it,

What part do you not know how to do? Making the label, Attaching the label, making a command, using the parameter variable, or all of the above?

All i want is,

A Command that attaches a Custom 3Dtextlabel to a Vehicle on the Back-Left location (Near the License Plate),
Example for the command,

/addsign [TEXT]

I've pretty much no experience with this, but that's what i basicly want

Well this is not a place for I want rather I need help. There is a script request thread where you can request scripts to be made. I will help you if you want to learn by trying to do it yourself and requesting help when you get stuck I am more than willing to help you figure out what you're stuck on but I wont just write you a command because you will be back requesting us to make you more things rather than learning to do it your self.

Can someone else help me out then?

I'm going to recommend using the streamer to control 3dTextlabels for some reason the standard ones have a tendency to overlap the streamer plugin does a great job controlling them.

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