All my NPC's disconnected from the server

I am leaving my server on for a week of so for testing purposes to see how stable it is and a few days into the testing everything seems to be working flawlessly until I check the npcs. I noticed that all of my npcs have disconnected automatically. I do not know why this occured and in the .bat file it just says "npc name Disconnected from the server" for all of the npcs. No other error was shown.

Please help me

Show us logs where that happens..

Server log when the error occured

Code? This can be caused if the recording file they're trying to access doesn't exist, etc.

they npc works fine for days then one day this happens

Ops. Much NPC So that's doesn't exist's
If try it..

Someone please help me soon as possible, this is a necessary fix for my server

Its hard to say, this could have several reasons.

As it just happens after a few days, I would just add a check in OnPlayerDisconnect that reconnects the NPC when he disconnects. Just use the same code you use when initializing the NPCs, and call it in a timer 1-2 seconds after the disconnect, so you get no name collisions.

Thats a good idea, but if I could eliminate the problem all together that would be nice

This started happening on my server as well for no reason I'm not sure what causes it at this point. If I were to guess what it could be there is some indications it has to do with the messageholelimit but I really don't know to be honest.

[19:56:20] Warning: client exceeded 'messageholelimit' (2) (-3678) Limit: 3000

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