A Vague Project? (Don't know xD)

To be up-front and honest I'm somewhat reluctant to release this Change log for multiple reasons, the main one really is the fact it'll give allot of information away about my script long before it really should be public. Any how take a look and tell me what you think (Many of you may not understand some the functions or text [Mainly because i tend to write this shit up at midnight or the following morning (around 3:00) when I'm half asleep and can't spell).

I removed the 'Change Log' art because it looked stupid on the forums :P

 - Version : Pre-Alpha UNDEF

- Started the script from a Semi-Blank script. (My script with basic functions and colours ect)
- Started work on the Account System (And some-what on the character system).
- Started work on the SQL (MySQL Database) steps & Security steps.
- Started work creating a system allowing for a multi-cached system for the Dynamic Systems (ECT).

- Much More.

 - Version : Pre-Alpha v0.01

- Re-Created the Info,Error,Version,Staff message system, allowing formatting without using 
( format(example,sizeof(example), "(%d) %s", 1, "String"); )

- Started work on the blacklist system, allowing Staff members to Add/Remove (Names & IP Addresses) to a database stopping people from playing on the server (EG. Proxy Servers) [PROXY SERVERS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ADDED TO THE BLAKCLIST DATABASE (US/UK/EAST) Proxy servers, More are welcomed]

- Added a Dynamic Object system, allowing the Mapping to be Loaded and Reloaded into the server by Staff &/Or Testers

- Added a Dynamic system allowing for Buildings/Objects to be destroy when a player connects, stoping the script getting cluttered with too many lines to create and remove objects.

- Added a system where it allows Staff to blacklist (Account Names, IP) along with removing them dynamically.

- Added a vehicle flag system, allowing the script to decide if the vehicles windows are (UP/DOWN) along with stating if the vehicle has been spawned by a member of the staff team.

- When a staff member spawns a vehicle a green flashing light will be placed on the front of the vehicle (possibly the dashboard).

- When a staff member spawns a vehicle while he/she already has one spawned, it will remove that vehicle and spawn the desired vehicle.

- Added a black-list system, allowing staff members to Add (&/ Remove) IP & Names to a database stopping certain people & IP Addresses from the server (Threats and so on). 

- Re-optimized the /blacklist command to stop the paramerters to shorting out the system, stopping the command being
used again.

- Created a system where as it allows the functionality to get the initials of a String. (EG. Los Santos Police Department - Would be - 'LSPD')

- Optimized some of the SQL (MySQL, Database) code to function faster (and look visually appealing).

- Added a few systems allowing for correct position tracking & correction. (Allowing to calculate the distance to a point, can be used to detect if you're near a entrance to a house, business, faction and so on)

- Added system where-as it allows the script to format messages directly from a single function pass-through, for example 'CreateStaffMessage(%0)'

- Started working on the company system, allowing for dynamically created companies with a ('Eco-System role') on the server (&/Or Script basis)

- Changed the character creation system, stopping the player choosing their skin - It'll now give you a random skin once you spawn (Dependent on the Gender type [Male, Female]).

- Much More.

 - Version : Pre-Alpha v0.02

- Added & Updated an older version of my Character Key system, allowing for upto 12 keys to b held at anyone time by a character (Also allowing for the passing on of keys, houses & business [Still needs adding], Along with this, you cannot store vehicle keys ('This is to prevent an exsessive load to the server and a exsessive ownership of Houses,Businesses & Vehicles by any one player'))
( ^^ Note: Tax will need to be paid to cover your Houses, Businesses & Vehicles, so if you're planning on owning multiple Properties & Vehicles pre-pare your self to have a massive Tax Slip)

- Re-worked the Account system, for smooth & faster loading times, also started work on the Loging & Registration system.
(^^ Note: This system is now complete, You will now have a total amount of 3 Login attempts before being kicked from the server [It's really four but because of the way the system works its 3+1 (= 4) so it shows as your final login attempt]) 

- Re-worked the SQL System once again to implement THREADED requests and one function to handle multiple requests at any one time without having to have millions of public statements cluttering up the script.

- Started on a system to load the Account Characters/ also allow the Account Owner to switch, character to character at anytime at will. (NOTE: It is a punishable offence to switch characters during roleplay  (BAN/JAIL/TEMPBAN [Possibly a feature to prevent certain users using /switch character]))

- Created a few systems allowing me to find out the how long a certain action took place. (EG: If a player gets admin jailed it'll record the time, and a staff member/tester will beable to check how long ago it was, using Unix Time Stamps, eg it could return 1 Month Ago and so on).

 - Version : Pre-Alpha v0.02

- Started work on the Drug System, you can now Harvest Drug Plants (Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine). A progress now represents how far you are until you have finished harvesting the plant.
- An animation has been added for harvesting (The general crouch animation).
- A Processing system is currently in the works with one known bug. (The processing stage fails to give you the Processed drug, it just gives you +0)

 - Version : Pre-Alpha v0.02

- Started work on the Staff/Helper side of the Bug Report system, allowing for 'Players' to create bug reports with a designated 'Priority' of wich they think it requires, we also have a system allowing the Staff/Testers to search the
Bug reports by Name, so if someone called 'Alex Balach' created Eleven Bug Reports with the same topic we can see it once we've searched His/Her name, and punish it them Accordingly.

- Optimized the search function to allow only results that a relative to the Word that you entered (Will optimized it even more for 'Keywords' like "Jay" it will then show anything with the keyword "Jay in it")

- Optimizations to the Loading of Most of the Dynamic systems allowing them to be loaded in a split second or less.

- Started work on the 'Socket' side of the server system, soon to allow Blacklisting, Kicking, Varabile changing remotely from outside of the server, this will also be allowed with the User Control Panel (Staff Side), this prevents a Staff member who is otherwise occupied on the forum * IRL * ect, to open up his Application briefly then Login in and press a few buttons without having to connect (User & Password will be required to stop people having access when they shouldn't), I would also like to state that there will be a Live map that will be updated every Minute to Five Minutes (This is to stop Thread(s) from looping)

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