13.08.2014, 12:58
hey, OnGameModeExit is called when I shut down the server right? Because When I do so, I can't find the INI file that's supposed to be in the "mapicons" folder in "scriptfiles"
No Compile Errors or warnings
pawn Code:
public OnGameModeExit()
new i, INI:mapicondata = INI_Open("/mapicons/Mapicondata.INI");
INI_SetTag(mapicondata, "data");
INI_WriteInt(mapicondata, "nexticonid", nexticonid);
INI_WriteInt(mapicondata, "number_of_deleted_mapicons", ndeletedmapicons);
INI_WriteInt(mapicondata, "nextdeletedicon", nextdeletedicon);
INI_SetTag(mapicondata, "saved_deleted_mapicons");
for (i=0; i<=99; i++)
new savestring[128];
format(savestring, 128, "deletedmapicon%i", i);
INI_WriteInt(mapicondata, savestring, deletedmapicon[i]);
return 1;