06.08.2014, 16:48
I am trying to make 'hold down spacebar to reufuel' system, the system works fine. Just the key is acting a bit weird.
Whenever i hold down spacebar, it spams the chat with this message "Vehicle have been refuelled. You paid $%i for %0.1f liters." but doesn't refuel. but if i hold down RMB which is also handbrake, it works perfectly. I tried setting the handbrake as other key and they acted the same as spacebar. It only works when i use RMB o.O am i doing something wrong to check for the spacebar key while player is inside a vehicle? If so, how can i fix this?
These are the code i made
I am pretty sure its not the script's fault as it works fine with other keys.
I am trying to make 'hold down spacebar to reufuel' system, the system works fine. Just the key is acting a bit weird.
Whenever i hold down spacebar, it spams the chat with this message "Vehicle have been refuelled. You paid $%i for %0.1f liters." but doesn't refuel. but if i hold down RMB which is also handbrake, it works perfectly. I tried setting the handbrake as other key and they acted the same as spacebar. It only works when i use RMB o.O am i doing something wrong to check for the spacebar key while player is inside a vehicle? If so, how can i fix this?
These are the code i made
pawn Код:
//Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange
if((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & HANDBRAKE))
for (new i; i < sizeof(gRefuelPickups); i++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 6.5, gRefuelPickups[i][pux], gRefuelPickups[i][puy], gRefuelPickups[i][puz]))
if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
if(gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Fuel] < MAX_VEHICLE_FUEL)
if(pInfo[playerid][Money] > 0)
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
gTimer_Refuel[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RefuelVehicle", 200, true, "ii", playerid, vehicleid);
return SCM(playerid, RED, "You don't have enough money to refuel your vehicle!");
return TextDrawSetString(gGasStation_Text[1][playerid], "~n~~r~Fuel tank is full");
PayRefuelPrice(playerid, vehicleid);
stock PayRefuelPrice(playerid, vehicleid)
if(gTimer_Refuel[playerid] != 0)
RewardPlayer(playerid, -gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][RefuelPrice], 0);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
format(str, 80, "Vehicle have been refuelled. You paid $%i for %0.1f liters.", gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][RefuelPrice], gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Liter]);
SCM(playerid, ORANGE, str);
gTimer_Refuel[playerid] = 0;
gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][RefuelPrice] = 0;
gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Liter] = 0.0;
return 1;
return 1;
public RefuelVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
if(gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Fuel] < MAX_VEHICLE_FUEL)
gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Fuel] += 100;
format(str, sizeof(str), "~n~~w~Liters filled: ~g~%0.1fL~n~~w~Total cost:~g~ $%i", gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][Liter], gVehicleInfo[vehicleid][RefuelPrice]);
TextDrawSetString(gGasStation_Text[1][playerid], str);
PayRefuelPrice(playerid, vehicleid);