06.08.2014, 08:59
I made a script when a player spawns it sends him a message-
But i want it to send this message only when player is registered means first spawn
necessary details :P
return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Head to the checkpoint and get in one of the boats.");
necessary details :P
enum pInfo { pKey[128], pLevel, pAdmin, pPremiumAccount, gPupgrade, pConnectTime, pAFKtime, pReg, pRegistredDate[24], pLastLogin[64], pNewbTimer, pSex, pAge, pOrigin[128], pBankPin, pBankCard, pCK, pSpeedo, pAlarm, pAlarmm, pRented, pParked, pHelmet, pGlasses, pMuted, pMuteTime, pExp, pCash, pAccount, pCard, pCrimes, pKills, pDeaths, pArrested, pWantedDeaths, pPhoneBook, pLottoNr, pFishes, pBiggestFish, pJob, pPayCheck, pHeadValue, pJailed, pJailTime, pMats, pDrugs, pLeader, pTow, pMember, pFMember, pPunish, pFwarn, pRank, pChar, pContractTime, pDetSkill, pSexSkill, pBoxSkill, pLawSkill, pMechSkill, pJackSkill, pCarSkill, pNewsSkill, pDrugsSkill, pCookSkill, pFishSkill, Float:pHealth, Float:pSHealth, pInt, pLocal, pTeam, pModel, pPnumber, pPhousekey, pCar, pMoto, pRob, pRobSkill, pGangKey, pPbiskey, Float:pPos_x, Float:pPos_y, Float:pPos_z, pCarWarns, pCarLic, pFlyLic, pBoatLic, pFishLic, pGunLic, pPassport, pMatsLic, pCarLicS, pFlyLicS, pBoatLicS, pFishLicS, pGunLicS, pMatsLicS, pGun1, pGun2, pGun3, pGun4, pAmmo1, pAmmo2, pAmmo3, pAmmo4, pCarTime, pPayDay, pPayDayHad, pWatch, pCrashed, pWins, pLoses, pAlcoholPerk, pDrugPerk, pMiserPerk, pPainPerk, pTraderPerk, pTut, pMissionNr, pWarns, pVirWorld, pFuel, pCanistra, pMarried, pMarriedTo[128], pFishTool, pNote1[128], pNote1s, pNote2[128], pNote2s, pNote3[128], pNote3s, pNote4[128], pNote4s, pNote5[128], pNote5s, pInvWeapon, pInvAmmo, pLighter, pCigarettes, pRequestingBackup, pRoadblock, pMask, pMaskuse, pHideNumber, pSpeaker, pLocked, pExamen, };
SetPlayerToTeamColor(playerid); SetPlayerPos(playerid,134.6612,-2100.9927,14.0293); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 267.6635); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0; return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Head to the checkpoint and get in one of the boats.");