Kick — crash

[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [part] Jubby has left the server (22:2)
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] Native backtrace:
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #0 00e1509b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #1 00e102d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #2 00e10ebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #3 00e11366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #4 00e14cec in ?? () from plugins/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #5 00ec8410 in ?? ()
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #6 00ec8430 in ?? ()
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #7 00350b11 in gsignal () from /lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #8 003523ea in abort () from /lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #9 003909d5 in ?? () from /lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #10 00396e31 in ?? () from /lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #11 00d7fdf2 in _ZdlPv () from /usr/lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #12 00d7fe4e in _ZdaPv () from /usr/lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #13 0807fdc7 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #14 0808000d in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #15 08074afa in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #16 0807632e in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #17 00939a49 in ?? () from /lib/
[11/07/2014 20:12:14] [debug] #18 00408aee in clone () from /lib/
Randomly crash (1 of 10000) when i use Kick function. This problem is not in my code, i think this is samp's bug

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