13.06.2014, 00:51
Последний раз редактировалось RenovanZ; 13.06.2014 в 03:51.
DUBSTEP GUN! by RenovanZ
Dance with your Song
Hey!Dance with your Song
Hey all, I just get bored and one of my friend (faiznurfaza) want me to make a FUNNY Filterscript! Check it out!
What is this filterscript?
Ever played Saints Row 4 ? Then you must be know Dubstep Gun already. Dubstep Gun is the funniest weapon, it makes everyone near it DANCE when it shots. With this Filterscript, its possible to do this thing in your server!
How it works?
- Download the Filterscript
- Dont forget to download ZCMD (Credits to Zeex) and put it in pawno => includes.
- Open the script and compile it.
- Open server.cfg and write "dubstepgun" beside the "filterscripts"
- Run the server!
/dubstep [url]
- First you need an URL (.mp3, etc).
- Then use /dubstep [url] to make it works
- Shot 'em all!
- You can deactivate it by using /dubstep.
- Released the Filterscript
Credits to:
Me (RenovanZ/Renovan)
faiznurfaza (Idea, Suggestion, & Testing)
Mac T, WillyRL (Testing help)
Zeex for his ZCMD
Known Bugs
Bugs: None
If you find any new bug(s), please contact me via PM or Reply here

Sendspace (v1.0)
I would thanks to all who read and download this filterscript

And I very very very thanks to who that doesn't remove the credits