10.06.2014, 18:01
Hello all i make Advanced Business System and House System for everyone!
Why i can't use /approvehouse or /denyhouse?
you must be Rcon Admin to use this cmds!
Why i can't use /approvebusiness and /denybusiness?
you must be Rcon Admin to use this cmds!
BusinessSystem.pwn // http://pastebin.com/vwLwusBX
HouseSystem.pwn // http://pastebin.com/K3JrnGgR
if you like this please + rep me
Commands Business System: /businessupgrade /confirm /lockbusiness /enter /exit /sellbusiness /storecash /takecash /approvebusiness /denybusiness and more with numbers!
Commands House System: /buyhouse /houseupgrade /confirm /lockhouse /enter /exit /sellhouse /storecash /takecash /renthouse /unrenthouse /park /approvehouse /denyhouse and more with numbers!
you must be Rcon Admin to use this cmds!
Why i can't use /approvebusiness and /denybusiness?
you must be Rcon Admin to use this cmds!
BusinessSystem.pwn // http://pastebin.com/vwLwusBX
HouseSystem.pwn // http://pastebin.com/K3JrnGgR
if you like this please + rep me