Argument type mismatch (argument 1) when getting info from MySQL database

Hey, the code there
pawn Код:
new admin_name[25], prz[60], data[20], s[200], s1[2000], tipas;
                        mysql_get_field("admin_name", admin_name);
                        mysql_get_field("prz", prz);
                        mysql_get_field("data", data);
                        mysql_get_field("tipas", tipas); // error line! I tried to delete it and then everything went good, but when I wrote it again, it gives me an error again! :((
                        if(tipas == 1) {format(s, 2000, "{FFFFFF}[{B36666}ban{FFFFFF}](%s) {15FF0F}ADM: %s {FF8000}(%s)\n", data, admin_name, prz);}
                        else if(tipas == 0) {format(s, 2000, "{FFFFFF}[{B36666}kick{FFFFFF}](%s) {15FF0F}ADM: %s {FF8000}(%s)\n", data, admin_name, prz);}
                        strcat(s1, s);
What should I do?

The 2nd argument is wrong. It should be an array/string but you used an integer. Store it to a temporary string and then use strval and store the output to "tipas".

Ok, now with this everything's fine. But now it returns me errors in if and else if statements, that array must be indexed, what now?

Thanks bro!

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