What is the use of MYSQL to my Server

What is the Effect of MYSQL to the server or what is the purpose of it??,
Cause i have a server without MySQL ,
Can you guys explain me?

MySQL is faster & more secure than .ini files .
If you decide to use MySQL you can connect your server to a website and have an online ban list , online players list , an basically even if you have a gangwar server you can put the /gangs for example .
Its pretty useful i could say but , you need to learn the language of SQ first.

MySql is a technique to create databases just as u do with y_ini,dini etc.
It creates online databases which can be access by browsers to show a player info like score,money etc in a browser
****** it and learn about it

MySQL is a relationnal database manager which allows you to store data online where the ini systems just allows you to store locally.

So you're not forced to use MySQL, and it's highly unavoided if you don't know what you do (you could harm your server, lose data etc). You can use ini systems (djson, dini, y_ini, etc etc) instead, and it works as good as MySQL.

If you want to start with MySQL, I recommend you to use BlueG's plugin, which is the most popular plugin and I think the only one which is still updated.

MySQL is also used in combination to online user control panel, to display player stats, act on player stats (buying money on server's shop, buying a car, buying a skill, etc etc) and mainly for the staff (to sanction players, unban them, ban them, rename them, etc)

EDIT : MySQL is not safer than .ini systems. It's usually safer because those who use MySQL usually know what they do, how to securize their queries, they hash passwords, they escape user inputs before putting them in the database, but remember that if a SQL injection is done on your database, you have more chances to lost all your tables/columns than to be hacked using .ini files.

how can i have MYSQL to my Server?

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