Vampire Help

I need help making a simple vampire scripts, Yes I have searched and Yes I have seen the other vampire scripts. Its to much I just need something really simple.

Basically, Admin can make himself or others vampires. If you are a vampire and you do /bite it drains the persons health. Rules though which I do NOT know how to do..

You have to be behind that player in order to bite them.
You have to be like right behind them you cant be 10 feet away.

I want the health to drain fairly fast, Like the person who is being bitten will be dead within 5 sec of the start of the bite and they should be able to see there health being drained. If the vampires health is not 100% When he bites someone and is draining there blood it gives him health, filling it up.

Last but not least, The only way to kill a vampire would be if you stabbed them with a knife
Or if you shot them with the duel weilding shotguns which would be wooden bullets.


Ohh and w/e help you send my way, Please make sure its in ZCMD please.

Ohh and if the person is injured and waiting for EMS the vampire can bite them and drain there blood

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