IBP-RP gamemode[Question]

At IBP-RP gamemode i see in gamemode many many MANY lines like this :

#include "/IBP/Publics/OnGameModeInit.pwn" // OnGameModeInit
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerConnect.pwn" // OnPlayerConnect
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerDisconnect.pwn" // OnPlayerDisconnect
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerRequestSpawn.pwn" // OnPlayerRequestSpawn
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerRequestClass.pwn" // OnPlayerRequestClass
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerSpawn.pwn" // OnPlayerSpawn
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerDeath.pwn" // OnPlayerDeath
#include "/IBP/Publics/SetPlayerSpawn.pwn" // SetPlayerSpawn
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerText.pwn" // OnPlayerText
//#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerClickPlayer.pwn" // OnPlayerClickPlayer
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerEnterVehicle.pwn" // OnPlayerEnterVehicle
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerCommandReceived.pwn" // OnPlayerCommandReceived
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerUseItem.pwn" // OnPlayerUseItem
#include "/IBP/Publics/LoadLocations.pwn" // Loads Locations
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnVehicleDeath.pwn" // On Vehicle Death
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnVehicleSpawn.pwn" // OnVehicleSpawn
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerInteriorChange.pwn"
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerStateChange.pwn" // OnPlayerStateChange
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP.pwn" // OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP
#include "/IBP/Publics/ReloadHim.pwn" // ReloadHim
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerKeyStateChange.pwn" // OnplayerKeyStateChange
//#include "/IBP/Publics/Audio_OnClientConnect.pwn" // Audioplugin OnClientConnect
//#include "/IBP/Publics/Audio_OnSetPack.pwn" // Audioplugin SetPack
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnDialogResponse.pwn" // On Dialog Response
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerExitVehicle.pwn" // On Player Exit Vehicle
#include "/IBP/Publics/IsValidSkin.pwn" // Is Valid Skin
#include "/IBP/Publics/OnPlayerUpdate.pwn" // Player Update

// 					Timers
#include "/IBP/Timers/OneMinuteTimer.pwn" // The One Minute Timer ( Payday etc )
#include "/IBP/Timers/OneSecTimer.pwn" // The One Second Timer
#include "/IBP/Timers/CheckStatus.pwn" // Check Status Timer
//                  Commands
// ## Admin Commands ##
#include "/IBP/Commands/Vid.pwn" // Vid
#include "/IBP/Commands/gethere.pwn" // Admin command - /gethere
#include "/IBP/Commands/goto.pwn" // Admin command - /goto
#include "/IBP/Commands/slap.pwn" // Admin command - /slap
#include "/IBP/Commands/adminduty.pwn" // Admin command - /adminduty
#include "/IBP/Commands/adminchat.pwn" // Admin command - /a ( Admin chat )
#include "/IBP/Commands/acommands.pwn" // Admin command - /acommands
#include "/IBP/Commands/adminset.pwn" // Admin command - /adminset
#include "/IBP/Commands/leadadmincmds.pwn" // Admin command - /leadadmincmds
#include "/IBP/Commands/ajail.pwn" // Admin command - /ajail
//#include "/IBP/Commands/aunjail.pwn" // Admin command - /aunjail
#include "/IBP/Commands/report.pwn" // Admin command - /areport  ----=---- Also /report (which is not an admin command) and /re
#include "/IBP/Commands/setskin.pwn" // Admin command - /setskin
#include "/IBP/Commands/agivelicense.pwn" // Admin command - /agivelicense
#include "/IBP/Commands/unlockcar.pwn" // Admin command - /unlockcar
#include "/IBP/Commands/fuelallcars.pwn" // Admin command - /fuelallcars
#include "/IBP/Commands/agivegun.pwn" // Admin command - /agivegun
#include "/IBP/Commands/checkowner.pwn" // Admin Command - /checkowner -- Checks the owners house
#include "/IBP/Commands/gotopos.pwn"
#include "/IBP/Commands/x.pwn"
#include "/IBP/Commands/y.pwn"
#include "/IBP/Commands/z.pwn"
#include "/IBP/Commands/setint.pwn"

Ok,my question is...WHERE is locations of all of this In scriptfiles i have that folder "IBP" but i don't have folders like "Commands" "Public"..

Where is the location of this folders ?

They would be in > Pawno > Includes

You're not going to be able to get the gamemode to run so there is no point trying to use a leaked gamemode.

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