SA:MP FPS issues

So I've recently discoverd that 0.3z is poorly optimized then 0.3x I usually got a static 100 fps on 0.3x but since I updated to 0.3z I noticed alot of fps drops and barely reaching 100 fps I know my computer can handle samp I run cs go with 120 fps .-. anyway is there a fix or something that might fix it or anything?
Im pretty sure that its not my gta sa or my computer but samp itself I have a clean copy of gta sa on a dvd so its not pirated any help?

How does the new sync work? It uses more resources from the client to sync the game for you. It was likely to happen. Actually that's why lagshooting delayed that much. Technology and bandwidth was not that good at 2007 compared to today.

I wish we had a patch for the FPS drops though.

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