01.04.2014, 18:52
hi i have this code:
and it's not working, in mysql debug i get this:
everything looks okey
I whant that if it's not the same day it will set veriables to zeros, in this script the KadaAtsijunge is 2014.03.01 and GautiDiena( ) should be 2014.04.01 but the code witch must be called after mismach not been called
i printed this function and i get nonsense 
pawn Код:
KadaAtsijunge[ 50 ];
mysql_get_field( "AtsijungeP", KadaAtsijunge );
if( strval( KadaAtsijunge ) != strval( GautiDiena( ) ) )
zInfo[ playerid ][ praleistas ] = 0;
zInfo[ playerid ][ afondas ] = 0;
[21:51:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField("AtsijungeP") - 2014.03.01 [21:51:56] >> mysql_retrieve_row( Connection handle: 1 ) |
I whant that if it's not the same day it will set veriables to zeros, in this script the KadaAtsijunge is 2014.03.01 and GautiDiena( ) should be 2014.04.01 but the code witch must be called after mismach not been called
pawn Код:
stock GautiDiena( )
/* gauname data ir laika tokiu formatu METAI.MENUO.DIENA, VALANDA:MINUTE */
string[ 31 ],
data[ 3 ];
getdate( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ] );
format( string, 31, "%d.%02d.%02d", data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ,data[ 2 ] );
return string;

pawn Код:
printf( "%s %s", strval( KadaAtsijunge ), strval( GautiDiena( ) ) );
[22:11:47] Ћ14.04.01 ЋЋ14.04.01 |