I want to learn Pawno

Hi I want to learn pawno links and topics that can help me with what you throw your link?

The best place to look would be here:

Also I found it easier to go through different scripts and just start adding stuff and editing stuff to learn how everything works.

Thank You!

Pawno is a program. The LANGUAGE is called PAWN.

You can also learn on ******* several things
Some basic things right here in this video : [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRrF5O6NfEs[/ame]

If it helped pls make sure to +rep


Check on ******* and sa-mp wiki and the forum.

I learned that way .

Just use this link

Originally Posted by JM_Millers
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Just use this link
Tutorials (especially the more relatively complex ones) are not - in my opinion - a good way to learn the basics of PAWN. They require you to have that basic knowledge already, and guide you towards bringing it together to create something.

pawn-lang.pdf is the best place to learn the basics, and then more advanced stuff.

I don't understand how people can script for a week then expect to be able to make a complex RP server. Learn first, THEN make stuff. That being said, making stuff is a good way to learn. Just don't try too early.

So yeah, learn how programming works, then how PAWN works, then try and use it to make stuff. You wouldn't want to get into a plane and try to fly it straight away - you'd want to learn what each button/level does, why/how it does it and so on before you even step inside.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Tutorials (especially the more relatively complex ones) are not - in my opinion - a good way to learn the basics of PAWN. They require you to have that basic knowledge already, and guide you towards bringing it together to create something.

pawn-lang.pdf is the best place to learn the basics, and then more advanced stuff.

I don't understand how people can script for a week then expect to be able to make a complex RP server. Learn first, THEN make stuff. That being said, making stuff is a good way to learn. Just don't try too early.

So yeah, learn how programming works, then how PAWN works, then try and use it to make stuff. You wouldn't want to get into a plane and try to fly it straight away - you'd want to learn what each button/level does, why/how it does it and so on before you even step inside.
Everyone is comfortable in different ways

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