Thread deleted?

So I made a thread about my OneChannel GFX Thread.

And now it's deleted, does anyone know why? It's not against the rules to make a thread like that is it?

Your thread was linked with some url, I dont know what's the reason behind it but posting strange urls is prohibitted :/.

It's a deviantart url link...I didn't want the picture to fucking be oversized... Jheeze...

Originally Posted by InfinityCOD
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It's a deviantart url link...I didn't want the picture to fucking be oversized... Jheeze...
You could simply use and resize the picture.

It was probably deleted for a reason... Inb4 SA:MP makes

Originally Posted by InfinityCOD
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It's a deviantart url link...I didn't want the picture to fucking be oversized... Jheeze...
Posting outsider link isn't allowed mate, That's the reason your thread got deleted.

Ahh okay.

Originally Posted by [vTc]Patroool
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Your thread was linked with some url, I dont know what's the reason behind it but posting strange urls is prohibitted :/.
If you'd know the rules yourself you would know this is just nonsense. Where do you find crap like this? What's the definition of a 'strange URL'? Linking is all-right as long as it isn't to advertise a server/community or earn money (adfly).

This is exactly why I suggested the 'reason of deletion' thingy, so that topics like this won't pop up anymore and the topic starter knows exactly what he did wrong.

I saw many threads got removed like this man .

So i "guess" thats the reason for him too.

Originally Posted by [vTc]Patroool
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Posting outsider link isn't allowed mate, That's the reason your thread got deleted.
That is not true. The only links that are not allowed are referral links (*******, etc.), links to malicious websites, such as porn, illegal data, troll websited and scam sites aswell as advertisements. Links that send you to a page where you can "buy" scripts from other users are also prohibited.
Saying that any link to an "outside" website is wrong.

Don't Advertise - A link to a site related to the topic is fine, spamming your home page is not. This includes advertising your servers and services. However, you are allowed to put advertisements in your signature or server advertisements. A rule of thumb is that "Here is something interesting others might like." links are allowed, "Please click this to benefit me personally." links are not (moderator's discretion is final). Note that "links that benefit you" includes pay-per-click links and advert click-throughs ( etc), use direct links instead.


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