GetPlayerIdFromName problem

i have problem with this script GetPlayerIdFromName,
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerIdFromName( playername[ ] )
        for( new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
            if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) )
                    playername2[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
                GetPlayerName( i, playername2, sizeof( playername2 ) );
                if( strcmp( playername2, playername, true, strlen( playername ) ) == 0 )
                    return i;
        return INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
i need to get playerid from this script but it gives me nonsense numbers
pawn Код:
new id = GetPlayerIdFromName( Vardukas );
the veriable Vardukas is like this:
pawn Код:
                msg[ 21 ],
                pos = strfind( inputtext, "-" );
            strmid( msg, inputtext, 0, pos, 21 );
            new name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
            format( name, 24, "%s", msg );
            Vardukas = name;
the "name" is good, i use it to other script witch is connected with this

If you want to just copy the name to Vardukas why do you do all the above. By the way doing "Vardukas = name;" is wrong; hence you get "nonsense" numbers.

You can just do:
pawn Код:
new szName[21], pos = strfind(inputtext, "-");
if (pos != -1)
    strmid(szName, inputtext, 0, pos, 21);
    new id = GetPlayerIdFromName(szName);
    if (id != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        // ...

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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If you want to just copy the name to Vardukas why do you do all the above. By the way doing "Vardukas = name;" is wrong; hence you get "nonsense" numbers.

You can just do:
pawn Код:
new szName[21], pos = strfind(inputtext, "-");
if (pos != -1)
    strmid(szName, inputtext, 0, pos, 21);
    new id = GetPlayerIdFromName(szName);
    if (id != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        // ...
i understand this but i need to bring that veriable to another script, it is not dialog at all, its TextDrawSelect

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