22.02.2014, 21:46
Okay, I know you're probably sick of seeing my fails around by now already, but I'm having this trouble... and have been the past 2/3 days.
So, the command I'm having trouble with is vehid (To acquire the current player vehicle ID. **THIS WILL ALLOW ME TO DELETE THE VEHICLE FROM THE TABLE AND DestroyVehicle(vehicleid);**).
Sorry if I haven't explained what I need properly again... I'm terrible writing explanations down, much better talking it over on voice.
So, the command I'm having trouble with is vehid (To acquire the current player vehicle ID. **THIS WILL ALLOW ME TO DELETE THE VEHICLE FROM THE TABLE AND DestroyVehicle(vehicleid);**).
pawn Код:
CMD:vehid(playerid, params[])
//new msg[156];
new vID;
if(pInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return ErrorMessage(playerid, "You're not authorized to use this command!");
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return ErrorMessage(playerid, "You must be in a vehicle to use this command! (HINT : Find THIS Vehicle ID).");
vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
printf("sampVehicleID : %i = %i", vID, Vehicle[vID]); // THIS NEEDS TO RETURN [EXAMPLE] - sampVehicleID : 2 = mysqlVehicleID : 4
// THE REAL RETURN AT THE MOMENT IS - sampVehicleID : 2 = mysqlVehicleID : 65556
// Because it's really doing sampVehicleID : 2 = Vehicle[2] (Whereas, it's saved in Vehicle[4]?)
return 1;
pawn Код:
public CreateVeh(model, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:F, colour1, colour2, playerid)
new qString[512];
for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(Vehicle); i++)
if(Vehicle[i] == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
vInfo[i][vModel] = model;
vInfo[i][vPosX] = X;
vInfo[i][vPosY] = Y;
vInfo[i][vPosZ] = Z;
vInfo[i][vAngle] = F;
vInfo[i][vColour1] = colour1;
vInfo[i][vColour2] = colour2;
mysql_format(mysql, qString, sizeof(qString), "INSERT INTO `vehicles` (`Model`, `posX`, `posY`, `posZ`, `Angle`, `Colour1`, `Colour2`) VALUES ('%i', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%i', '%i')", vInfo[i][vModel], vInfo[i][vPosX], vInfo[i][vPosY], vInfo[i][vPosZ], vInfo[i][vAngle], vInfo[i][vColour1], vInfo[i][vColour2]);
mysql_tquery(mysql, qString, "OnVehicleCreate", "i", i);
return 1;
public OnVehicleCreate(vehicleid, playerid)
new qString[512];
vInfo[vehicleid][ID] = cache_insert_id();
mysql_format(mysql, qString, sizeof(qString), "SELECT * FROM `vehicles` WHERE `ID` = '%i'", vInfo[vehicleid][ID]);
mysql_tquery(mysql, qString, "LoadVehicle", "i", vInfo[vehicleid][ID]);
return 1;
public LoadVehicles()
for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(vInfo); i++)
new qString[512];
mysql_format(mysql, qString, sizeof(qString), "SELECT * FROM `vehicles` WHERE `ID` = '%i'", i);
mysql_tquery(mysql, qString, "LoadVehicle", "i", i);
return 1;
public LoadVehicle(vehicleid)
new rows, fields;
cache_get_data(rows, fields, mysql);
vInfo[vehicleid][ID] = cache_get_row_int(0, 0);
vInfo[vehicleid][vModel] = cache_get_row_int(0, 1);
vInfo[vehicleid][vPosX] = cache_get_row_float(0, 2);
vInfo[vehicleid][vPosY] = cache_get_row_float(0, 3);
vInfo[vehicleid][vPosZ] = cache_get_row_float(0, 4);
vInfo[vehicleid][vAngle] = cache_get_row_float(0, 5);
vInfo[vehicleid][vColour1] = cache_get_row_int(0, 6);
vInfo[vehicleid][vColour2] = cache_get_row_int(0, 7);
Vehicle[vehicleid] = CreateVehicle(vInfo[vehicleid][vModel], vInfo[vehicleid][vPosX], vInfo[vehicleid][vPosY], vInfo[vehicleid][vPosZ], vInfo[vehicleid][vAngle], vInfo[vehicleid][vColour1], vInfo[vehicleid][vColour2], 500000);
if(Vehicle[vehicleid] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
printf("-> Loading Vehicle ID: %i", vehicleid);
printf("------> %i = %i", Vehicle[vehicleid], vInfo[vehicleid][ID]); //------> sampVehicle ID = mysqlVehicle ID
//This is where it is Vehicle[4], vInfo[4][ID] = ------> sampVehicle 2 = mysqlVehicle 4
//I want it to be this Vehicle[2], vInfo[2][ID] = ------> sampVehicle 2 = mysqlVehicle 4
return 1;
Sorry if I haven't explained what I need properly again... I'm terrible writing explanations down, much better talking it over on voice.