Vehicle fuel settings


In my previous gamemode, all vehicles had the same amount of fuel.
Bikes had the same amount of fuel compared to planes, which isn't like real-life at all.
Also, the price for refuelling a vehicle was always the same.

I wanted to have separate maxfuel settings per vehicle-model and started scripting such a system which is already working properly.
For now, all models have 1000 litres of fuel (bikes, planes, trucks, cars, boats, ...).
Refuelling prices are now also based on the amount of litres you refuel.
Planes could have 100.000 litres of fuel and would be very expensive to refuel, compared to a bike which could have only 10 litres of fuel and is really cheap to refuel.

But I don't have any idea how much fuel all those vehicle-models have in real-life.

Do bikes have 10 litres of fuel, or 15, or something else?
How much fuel do boats have? Trucks? Cars? Planes?

I have really no idea. I only know that my own car has about 50 litres of fuel, that's all.
I want to make it somewhat like real-life.

Could someone help me to figure this out for each model?
It doesn't have to be accurate to the last detail, but some values that could guide me would help alot.
- bikes: 10-15 litres
- cars: 40-80 litres
- trucks: xxx - yyy litres
Or whatever.

I've searched ****** but there are so many vehicle-models in real-life, it's confusing.

If I just had some average values, I could play with the values and make them per model around that value.
But I don't even know if boats have 100 litres or even 250 litres, or even less or more.

All my models also consume fuel at different rates as well.
But for that, I can just input the maximum distance they can drive and the script calculates those values automatically based on maxfuel and distance given.

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