Material Text

Why does the text look so 'crusty' and 'jaged' on the edges?

I used plane ID: 19479 with OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128 and Arial as the font. The font size I used is 40 or 28, I'm not too sure. Bold is set to '0'.

Also, how come it isn't 'white, white', like pure white.

This is the achieved effect I want to go for:

It looks pure white on the car and not edgy and has smooth edges unlike mine.


EDIT: I use 0xFFFFFFFF for the background.

Not nice to copy stuff from CrazyBobs CnR

how comes making similiar things, is considered as copying stuff ?

You would know that hes copying stuff from CrazyBobs CnR if you knew him, I bet everything from his server is from there, and even this text thing, if you look on the second pic, that is a pic from CrazyBobs CnR from an admin modified car (All Blue is a cop gang in CrazyBobs CnR)

Also Kylesmith, you should stop copying stuff and create something with your own fantasies.

Its his server and he can do what the heck he wants to do. @Topic - As what i do is {FFFFFF}Hello Kyle and its a solid white color, well try that.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Its his server and he can do what the heck he wants to do. @Topic - As what i do is {FFFFFF}Hello Kyle and its a solid white color, well try that.
Yes, changing to color will help. ._.

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