05.02.2014, 18:25
Last edited by Rehasher; 17/02/2014 at 06:20 PM.

Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/it4vkdYu
Textdraw Editor Project File (put in scriptfiles) : https://mega.co.nz/#!EoVyEYTB!Cp60WE...bQqDueBGyrpHiM
((Raw textdraws)) Use a function like stock UpdateStats(playerid) to update the textdraws.
BCRP didn't use this but I did start a update stats function, I'll provide you with what I started with and that could get you going.
stock UpdateStatsTD(playerid) { new skin = GetPlayerSkin(playerid); new str[300]; PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel(playerid, STATSTD[8][playerid], skin); format(str, sizeof(str), "Cash ~w~: $%d", GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, STATSTD[10][playerid], str); return 1; }