[Ajuda] ajuda em DIALOG (avanзar pagina)

Galera na ppc_trucking eu mudei a box na ppc_common de DIALOG_STYLE_LIST para DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, e ela ficou assim :http://prntscr.com/2m8w79 e nгo avanзa as paginas quando clico em prox,
aqui estб o codigo :
	// Setup local variables
	new Counter, CommandList[1000], DialogTitle[128];

	// Only add 4 commands to the list, starting from the FirstItem
	for (new i = APlayerData[playerid][DialogFirstItem]; i < sizeof(ACommands); i++)
		// Increase a counter (which holds the number of commands that have been added to the list

		// Check if the maximum hasn't been reached yet
		if (Counter <= 5)
		    // Check if this command is valid for this player
			if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= ACommands[i][CommandLevel])
				// Check if the command is used for admins or not
				if (ACommands[i][CommandLevel] == 0)
				    // Add the commandname and description to the list
					format(CommandList, 500, "%s%s{00FF00}%s", CommandList, "\n", ACommands[i][CommandStructure]); // Add the name of the next command to the list on the next line
					format(CommandList, 500, "%s%s\t\t{FFFF00}%s", CommandList, "\n", ACommands[i][CommandDescription]); // Add the description of the next command to the list on the next line
				    // Add the commandname and description to the list
					format(CommandList, 500, "%s%sLvl %i: {00FF00}%s", CommandList, "\n", ACommands[i][CommandLevel], ACommands[i][CommandStructure]); // Add the name of the next command to the list on the next line
					format(CommandList, 500, "%s%s\t\t{FFFF00}%s", CommandList, "\n", ACommands[i][CommandDescription]); // Add the description of the next command to the list on the next line
		else // 5 commands have been added to the list (now Counter = 6)
		    // Add an empty line and "Next..." to the list to let the player know there are more commands
			format(CommandList, 500, "%s%s%s", CommandList, "\n \n", TXT_DialogEntryNext);
			// Also stop the For-loop

	// Construct the title for the dialog (to include a page number)
	format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_DialogCommandTitle, (APlayerData[playerid][DialogFirstItem] / 5) + 1);
	// Show the commands in a dialog
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogPlayerCommands, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, DialogTitle, CommandList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);

	return 1;
E agora oque faзo para por quando o player clicar em prox ele avanзar as paginas ?


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