Vehicle death-by-explosion detection

Seeing as damage detection has been improved quite a lot in 0.3z, can we finally be able to detect when someone blows up a vehicle and kills the driver using explosions (e.g. hunter rockets)? OnPlayerGive/TakeDamage don't get called, killerid is INVALID_PLAYER_ID under OnPlayerDeath and OnVehicleDeath's killerid doesn't work either.

It can be detected using pawn, sure, but it's not at all reliable or accurate.

I agree, OPD needs to be improved. Mainly the killerid and reason.

I'm alsoo agree with this. I build a minigame on my server called "World of Tanks" and i can't count the kills xD

I hate to bump but it has become page 3.

I feel this is really needed and would benefit the community with many modes. Any official beta / Kalcor reply would be appreciated for closure on this idea.


(d0): there wont be any new (big) features in 0.3z after RC1
(d0): everything will be fixed and released most likely

I really think this needs to be fixed ASAP. It's a basic core thing that hasn't worked for years. It limits so many ideas, for example it's pretty much impossible to make a mode where tanks shoot each other, as you can't detect who kills who.

That's true, a gamemode based in rocket launcher o grenades can't detect kills properly.

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