[Tutorial] Have a TeleWell router? This is how to forward ports on it!

Forwarding your ports is essential to having your server work for people out of your Local Area Network. If you own a TeleWell router, you're in luck: it is easy as hell to forward ports on it, but there happens to be a bug in them (at least in firmware v2.02a.dj5-7) that prevents you from deleting your entries from the table. In this tutorial i will show how to get around that.

First off, make sure you are in the same network with the router. If your computer is connected to LAN 1 or LAN 2 on the router via an ethernet cable, you're in it. LAN 3 and 4 do not work, however, with the default settings, as the router only routs to ports 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are bridged.

Open your web browser (i'm using Firefox on Ubuntu, but any OS and browser should work), and type "" into the address box and hit enter. You will be prompted with a login screen. The default username & password for the router is "admin" and "admin". Hit OK and proceed to the panel. A bunch of stuff will open up, looking like this: (Clicking the images opens them up bigger)

(IP Address, Default Gateway & MAC Address hidden for obivious reasons)
(Note: If it shows up with some random gibberish language (AKA Finnish), Select "Kieli" from the left-hand menu and select "English". Problem solved.)
Click on "Configuration", then "Virtual Server", then "Port Mapping". This should show up:

This is where the magic happens. To add a new rule to the table, you just plop in the ports & address and press "add". Since we are making a rule for a SA:MP Server, the "Application" box should somehow represent it.
I just called it "SA:MP Server". (Yes, i have a LOT of imagination :3)
In the "Protocol" box, select UDP, since that's the protocol SA:MP uses for networking. The external and internal ports are a bit unique, so read this: The external port is the port/ports other people are going to use. The internal port is the port it will be forwarded to, so: Set the Internal Port to what your server is set to (by default, this is "7777"). Then, set the External Port/Ports to what you want. It is a good idea to set it to the same port as your internal one, but you DO have a choise to not to use it. Now, in the "Internal IP Address" box, type in your LOCAL IP address, or select it from the list. (To see your local IP, press Win+R, type in "cmd", then, into the black box, type "ipconfig" and hit enter. A bunch of stuff will come up. Scroll it until you see your ethernet/wlan adapter, the default ethernet adapter name is "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection". The "IPv4 Address" is your local ip address. Select it from the list and hit "Add".

Your port is now forwarded, congratulations!
Don't go playing with your friend yet, however, as your router will forget this rule once you shut it down, so SAVE IT first. To do this, simply press the "Save Config" button on the bottom.

Then hit "Apply". Your settings are now saved. You are done.

This next bit will help you if you want to delete your rules afterwards. I noticed that with the "English" language selected, it is not possible to delete the entries! I don't know why, but that's just how it is. Ticking the "Delete" box and pressing "Edit/Delete" does nothing! To remove a rule from the table, Select "Language" on the left-hand menu again, and select "Suomi". This will show up.

Now, select "Asetukset" (Settings), then "Ohjelmallinen palvelin" (This can't be translated since it's not even proper Finnish). You are at the "Port Mapping" table, only now it is in Finnish. It looks like this:

From here, you can now tick the box on "Poista" and then press "Muuta/Poista". A popup box will appear. Press OK and your port rule is deleted. Now just select "Kieli" on the left-hand menu again, and select English. Phew. You are in the english UI again. Remember to "Save Config" again, as the port rule will re-appear after a restart if you don't save it to the flash memory!

I hope this tutorial was informational. I tried to make it as detailed as possible, and to me it looks like i managed to do it. I am NOT, however, someone to PM about port forwarding with other routers, since i only own this one for obivious reasons. This guide WORKS, there's no way around it, so if you do this and your server isn't showing up online, there's most likely a problem somewhere else, like in your server or Windows Firewall. I am not someone to ask for help in those situations. If you are, however, 100% sure the problem is in this tutorial, go ahead and ask me.

I hope this will decrease the amount of "How to port forward" PMs and threads on these forums

What this router has more than the other?

Different GUI.

Originally Posted by iJumbo
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What this router has more than the other?
Originally Posted by newbie scripter
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Different GUI.
Exactly. Different routers have different User Interfaces, and while i know that you could just check yours at "portforward.com", it is obivious that not everyone know this since people are still posting about it on these forums. This is one less question to be asked (at least i hope so) about port forwarding

Awesome, i'll try it and tell you.

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