24.12.2013, 19:25
I have a problem with Wanted Level increasing.
When I am a player on my server (without admin level) and I kill other player I dont get wanted,it says that I get wanted but in right corner up I dont have any numbers which would say how many wanteds i have,so if my wanted dont change then my color of name (When you press TAB) dont change from White (Innocent) to Red (Most Wanted),so I stay white.
NOTE* at that picture I mean "No 12 wanted level" not 12 stars
And If I have admin level (for example lvl 1) and I kill other player it says that I got wanted level but then in right corner up I have 72 wanted level instead of 12 as you can see on the picture.Also then my color of name (When you press TAB) change from white to red.

So,you can see that the diffrence is when I am admin or I am not admin.I really dont know how to fix that increasing of wanted level.If someone could say me what to do to fix it.
I have a problem with Wanted Level increasing.
When I am a player on my server (without admin level) and I kill other player I dont get wanted,it says that I get wanted but in right corner up I dont have any numbers which would say how many wanteds i have,so if my wanted dont change then my color of name (When you press TAB) dont change from White (Innocent) to Red (Most Wanted),so I stay white.

And If I have admin level (for example lvl 1) and I kill other player it says that I got wanted level but then in right corner up I have 72 wanted level instead of 12 as you can see on the picture.Also then my color of name (When you press TAB) change from white to red.

So,you can see that the diffrence is when I am admin or I am not admin.I really dont know how to fix that increasing of wanted level.If someone could say me what to do to fix it.
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason); SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid,0); GivePlayerMonez(playerid, -1000); if(killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, 0); SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0); } if(GetPlayerTeam(killerid) == TEAM_CIVILIAN) { IncreaseWantedLevel(killerid,12); SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+2); pInfo[killerid][Kills]++; }