Please Help!

Please help i have problems with my GTA:SA.

I play above 5min Its starts lagging.

Some Screens:


Does this happends in Single Player too?

If so, I think your your grapic card got some problems.

its either your graphics card or your ram.

Yes, it hapend in singel player too!

Do you know how to fix thet kind of problems?

I will do anything!

Either: Upgrade your Graphics drivers to GTA IV's reaquirements, that way its moother gameplay, or its just the server your on.

GTA SA dosen't need as such good requirements as IV, lol?
Anyway back on the topic, if it happens in SP aswell then there's something wrong with your gfx card for sure pal

I know it doesnt, but just to be safe

Originally Posted by .:>|★Fr4zZ★|<:.
I know it doesnt, but just to be safe
I agree, but I onced played on my very old PC which had a 5500 GeForce graphics card and it runned smoothly, so how's that like a million times less then the required crap for IV? D:

good point lmao. The point is IDK what the problem is with his comp, but its just a suggestion.

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