[GameMode] Vallis Aurea RPG

Good morning, today I'll show you GM for SAMP I designed myself. I do not have much information about this GM because I've worked a long time ago, GM is the version 0.3e .. I have not moved for a long time because I'm not playing anymore SAMP, I planned to open a server in this mode, but I gave up, GM is in the Croatian language, ****** Translate can help with translation, if you want to switch some things .. from everything I have just this one video that will be placed below. At GM of 25 jobs, 16 organizations, and a lot of things and is ready to play.

PD Jail system: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg9ICDpFJhI[/ame]
Download link: http://downloadconfirm.net/file/0S8o95

Please download, you, it's one minute, to me this is the way of profits!

read rules dont post survey just give download link

More information?

please mediafire.com

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