spawn random armor/health onplayerdeath

Well I had this idea, if a player dies then spawn under his dead body a armor or health object and when you pick it up it will give you 5% to %30 armor or health. Is this possible?

Yes it is, first of all get the player's XYZ on death, use CreatePickup, and when player picks it, he gets his benefits.

Originally Posted by DaniceMcHarley
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Yes it is, first of all get the player's XYZ on death, use CreatePickup, and when player picks it, he gets his benefits.
Thanks for reply. I know I can do the CreatePick but I don't know how to give random health or armor+ random value that it will not go down 5% and go up 30%.

Try this.. (re-optimize the code)
pawn Код:
new createdPickups = 0;
new pickUp[10];

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
   new Float:pos[3];

   GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

   pickUp[createdPickups] = CreatePickup(1240, 1, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));

   createdPickups ++;
   return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
   switch( pickupid )
       case pickUp:
          new ranHel = random(30), new Float:Healll;
              GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Healll);
                  SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Healll + ranHel );
   return 1;

Originally Posted by erminpr0
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Try this.. (re-optimize the code)
pawn Код:
new createdPickups = 0;
new pickUp[10];

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
   new Float:pos[3];

   GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

   pickUp[createdPickups] = CreatePickup(1240, 1, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));

   createdPickups ++;
   return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
   switch( pickupid )
       case pickUp:
          new ranHel = random(30), new Float:Healll;
              GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Healll);
                  SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Healll + ranHel );
   return 1;
(2446) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
(2448) : error 001: expected token: "-identifier-", but found "new"
(2449) : error 017: undefined symbol "Healll"
(2450) : error 017: undefined symbol "Healll"

		case pickUp:
			new ranHel = random(30), new Float:Healll;
   			GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Healll);
			SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Healll + ranHel );

try replacing to this..
pawn Код:
case pickUp:
            new ranHel = random(30), Float:Healll;
            GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Healll);
            SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Healll + ranHel );

Originally Posted by erminpr0
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try replacing to this..
pawn Код:
case pickUp:
            new ranHel = random(30), Float:Healll;
            GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Healll);
            SetPlayerHealth( playerid, Healll + ranHel );
Last warning man

error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero


case pickUp:

thanks for the reply!

I'd use it like that:
pawn Код:
// global variable:
    bool: RandomPickup_HealthArmour[ MAX_PLAYERS char ], // false = health and true = armour (saving space)

// When a player dies (get the position and set the as the coordinates of the pickup):
    r_health_armour = random( 2 )
if( !r_health_armour )
    RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } = false; // Health
    // Create health pickupid:
    RandomPickup = CreatePickup( ... ); // EDIT THE LINE
    RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } = true; // Armour
    // Create armour pickupid:
    RandomPickup = CreatePickup( ... ); // EDIT THE LINE

// When a player pickups the pickup:
if( pickupid == RandomPickup )
        Float: amount
    if( !RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } ) // health pickupid
        GetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount );
        SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount + RandomEx( 5, 30 ) );
        GetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount );
        SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount + RandomEx( 5, 30 ) );
    DestroyPickup( RandomPickup );

// the random function for 5-30 percent
stock RandomEx( min, max ) //By ******
    return random( max - min ) + min;

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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I'd use it like that:
pawn Код:
// global variable:
    bool: RandomPickup_HealthArmour[ MAX_PLAYERS char ], // false = health and true = armour (saving space)

// When a player dies (get the position and set the as the coordinates of the pickup):
    r_health_armour = random( 2 )
if( !r_health_armour )
    RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } = false; // Health
    // Create health pickupid:
    RandomPickup = CreatePickup( ... ); // EDIT THE LINE
    RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } = true; // Armour
    // Create armour pickupid:
    RandomPickup = CreatePickup( ... ); // EDIT THE LINE

// When a player pickups the pickup:
if( pickupid == RandomPickup )
        Float: amount
    if( !RandomPickup_HealthArmour{ playerid } ) // health pickupid
        GetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount );
        SetPlayerHealth( playerid, amount + RandomEx( 5, 30 ) );
        GetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount );
        SetPlayerArmour( playerid, amount + RandomEx( 5, 30 ) );
    DestroyPickup( RandomPickup );

// the random function for 5-30 percent
stock RandomEx( min, max ) //By ******
    return random( max - min ) + min;
Its working nice. Really nice and additional how to add label on the pickup object sample: "Health Bonus + 7" or
"Armour Bonus +23"? and destroy the label after player pick up the object.

Bug: The first object won't destroy or can't be picked up. It should be removed.

Please I need help.

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