CPU Usage

Hey guys, I'm having a problem on my server.. It's using about 0.2% CPU for every player connected. The problem is that it's not the gamemode - but the server. I tested the usage using grandlarc and it was the same! When I'm reaching ~270 players online the server gets laggy!

What would be the causes? I'm using Debian 5 32-bit on my host and it's not a private SA:MP host; it's hosted on a dedicated server which has some pretty high specs.

Wrong board, should be in Server Support.

((Btw, why do you even care about 0.2% RAM consumable for each player o_o))

It's 0.2% CPU, not RAM. And I already mentioned that when I'm reaching ~270 players online it starts to get laggy.

Sorry for posting in the wrong board. I'm starting a new topic at the right section. Sorry!

Originally Posted by CONTROLA
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It's 0.2% CPU, not RAM. And I already mentioned that when I'm reaching ~270 players online it starts to get laggy.
Can you post your dedi specs?

CPU 1 core 3.4 GHz, 2GB of RAM, 15 GB HDD

You should consider upgrading your CPU. 1 core is not enough for ~270.

SA:MP is single-threaded.

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