[Map] [RP] Alhambra Prison Exterior

Hello There; today I've mapped up a small project that's not that great but It was a quick and easy task. So basically; I've mapped a Prison Exterior. This Is the visitors entrance. Enjoy the pictures, and remember - I'm not a great mapper!

Although It's not the best, you can still use this map If you'd like In your server's. But please do give credits; thanks!

- 6/10. Not have download. BIG FAIL !!!

Doesn't realy look like a prison to me.

That isn't alhambra and it doesn't look like a usefull prison

No need to attack this guy as if he had done a crime.
but thank him for having created and posted something ...

Thank you for your contribution pal, the cords are not as perfect but not as bad

It's not bad, keep going

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