23.01.2014, 15:28
[INC] Easy Screen Fade By OTACON
[] Video:[ame]www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EoGEoma6Sk[/ame]
[] Information:
is a simple 'Screen Fade' is a Screen Fade fade screen, and what it does is melt the placing textdraw color transparency, up to the total transparency of the color, leaving as an effect.
[] Functions:
pawn Код:
native SetEasyScreenFade(slot,playerid,Text:textdrawid,colour,bool:mode,timer); //to activate a screen fade.mode=false(TextDrawBoxColor) mode=true(TextDrawColor)
native KillEasyScreenFade(slot,playerid,Text:textdrawid); //to disable a screen fade.
public OnFunctionOfEasyScreenFade(slot,playerid); //to give a role to a screen fade when progress ends.
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