[HELP] one object wasn't created

Hello today I was mapping and converted objects transfer to my gamemode and when I enter to se how it was one object wasn't create can you help me ? Thanks

dude use Streamer plugin

xD I have five houndred objects and updated streamer every single object is showing but this one is not I don't know why

Originally Posted by Luca12
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xD I have five houndred objects and updated streamer every single object is showing but this one is not I don't know why
It either dosent exist or you put the mappings wrong

If you're using MTA, don't forget that some MTA objects are not supported with SA-MP as they're both different multiplayer versions of GTA SA.

Also, what is the framerate of the objects? 250? Depending on your streamer and your stream rate, and if they are createobjects, it may be better to just convert them to createdymanicobjects via convertFFS. Also, when and if u choose to convert them using convertFFS, change the framerate to 550. That's what I have all of my mapped objects at and it loads just fine! Anyways, hope I was helpful! Let me know how it goes! And if I was helpful, please don't forget to give me rep! I could sure use it!

I try like you said and go to the that object and he isn't there I mean it's not showing. Yesterday I put 0.3e object's in my mta and that object is 0.3e.

Edit: The object which doesn't create is sumofence( id: 13622)


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