PPC_Trucking Adding Class Help!

Hello All I am Using PPC_Trucking GM (GameMode) And I Wana To Add Taxi Driver Class But I Got Error's Pliss Help

C:\Users\dsfasfaj\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\P PC_Trucking.pwn(564) : error 017: undefined symbol "TaxiDriver_EndJob"
C:\Users\fafasdfasf\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes \PPC_Trucking.pwn(803) : error 017: undefined symbol "TaxiDriver"
C:\Users\fafasfa\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\PP C_Trucking.pwn(1052) : error 017: undefined symbol "TaxiDriver_EndJob"
C:\Users\fafsaf\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\PPC _Trucking.pwn(1302) : error 017: undefined symbol "ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver"
C:\Users\fsdafas\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\PP C_Trucking.pwn(1302) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\fasdfafsd\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\ PPC_Trucking.pwn(1302) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\fsdafafa\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\P PC_Trucking.pwn(1303) : error 017: undefined symbol "ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver"
C:\Users\fasdsdafas\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes \PPC_Trucking.pwn(1303) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\fasfsdafa\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\ PPC_Trucking.pwn(1303) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
C:\Users\fasfasfa\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\P PC_Trucking.pwn(1303) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\fafsdafa\Desktop\samp2\samp03\gamemodes\P PC_Trucking.pwn(1303) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

9 Errors.

Insert script.

Show us the code, and mark the error lines

// Stop any job that may have started (this also clears all mission data)
switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])
case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any trucker job
case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any busdriver job
case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any pilot job
case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any police job
case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any mafia job
case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid);
case ClassRoadWorker: Roadworker_EndJob(playerid);
case ClassTaxiDriver: TaxiDriver_EndJob(playerid);

case TaxiDriver: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), "%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Taxi Driver\n", PlayerStatList);

case ClassTaxiDriver: TaxiDriver_EndJob(playerid);

Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver));
x = ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver[Index][SpawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation
y = ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver[Index][SpawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation
z = ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver[Index][SpawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation
Angle = ASpawnLocationsTaxiDriver[Index][SpawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation
format(Msg, 128, "{FFCC00}Player {FFFF00}%s{FFCC00} joined {CC9900}Taxi class", Name);

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