[FilterScript] Simple Admin System![Very Good For Begginers]

This script contains a simply admin system designed for small servers to put their RCON Admins in control so to speak.
In order to use these commands you must be locked into the Remote Console, however this can be easily modified in the script. Just find and change IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) to whatever function you would like.

- /ahelp -Lists all available admin commands
- /ban -Admins can ban players (Can't ban other admins)
- /kick -Admins can kick players from the server with a reason (Can't kick other admins)
- /freeze -Freezes a player in their current position and state
- /unfreeze -Unfreezes a player and grants them control
- /sethp - Sets the health of a desired player
- /setarmor - Sets a players armor
- /sethpall -Sets everyone's HP
- /setarmorall - Sets everyone's armor
- /healnear - Heals everyone near
- /freezenear - Freezes everyone's positions and states in a certain radius
- /unfreezenear - Unfreezes everyone's positions and states near te admin
- /healall - Sets everyone's HP and Armor to 100
- /ann - Announce a text for every player
- /veh - Allows an admin to spawn and destroy vehicles

Also you need
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <foreach>
#include <sscanf2>

It is a FS (filterscript) so i will put the code to add on server.cfg !(i puted that for begginers)

filterscripts Admin
How to Install!
Download Version!
1)Download it and open it
2)Copy the AMX and the PWN to your filterscript folder
3)DO the thing with server.cfg

How to Install!
Pastebin version!
1)Open PAWNO and hit the new button
2)Copy from pastebin
3)Paste it UP from everything on your new pawno
4)Name it and Convert it
5)Do that with server.cfg



http://www.mediafire.com/download/7p...vkfd/Admin.pwn [PWN]
http://www.mediafire.com/download/w2...maf1/Admin.amx [AMX]

Include Downloads:
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/366d/ [foreach]
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/d20f/ [zcmd]
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/PSRS/ [sscanf2] WARNING!THIS ISNT SSCANF!YOU CANT USE IT AS SIMPLE SSCANF ITS SSCANF2!SO IF AN OTHER FS NEEDS #include <sscanf> you must also add #include<ssanf2>! And it will have an error!then you must go to
pawno>includes>sscanf2>and go down down and delete last two lines which shall be like

native sscanf(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native unformat(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...) = sscanf;
Dont remove credits!
You CAN edit the script!
NO mirrors accepted

  • PLEASE +Rep if you like i hope i helped !!!!

nice, but you forgot the /warn command

Good work , it will be useful as Admin System Base

If you like i would appreciate +Rep i hope you enjoy the FS!

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