How i can add this toy system to my server?

Hello,I am using the olderone toy system in my server i wanna add to my server the newone 0.3x toy system edit
I am using this toy edit system

I want this toy editting system

It comes with server package, look in the filterscirpts folder it's named Attachments.

Originally Posted by davve95
Посмотреть сообщение
It comes with server package, look in the filterscirpts folder it's named Attachments.
Server log.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[22:29:08] Server Plugins
[22:29:08] --------------
[22:29:08]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[22:29:08]   Loaded.
[22:29:08]  Loading plugin: audio.dll

*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[22:29:08]   Loaded.
[22:29:08]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[22:29:08]  ===============================

[22:29:08]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[22:29:08]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[22:29:08]  ===============================

[22:29:08]   Loaded.
[22:29:08]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[22:29:08] Filterscripts
[22:29:08] ---------------
[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'fastfood.amx'...
[22:29:08]  Enabled Tez's Fast Food Menu's 
[22:29:08] --------------------------------------

[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'needtoeat.amx'...
[22:29:08] ---------------------------------------
[22:29:08]    |.:NeedToEat System by Zimon95:.|   
[22:29:08] -------------|Loaded|------------------
[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'L_Speedo.amx'...

[22:29:08] ************************************
[22:29:08] *                                  *
[22:29:08] *        -----------------         *
[22:29:08] *       LuX SpeedoMeter v2.0       *
[22:29:08] *        -----------------         *
[22:29:08] *           By LuxurioN            *
[22:29:08] *                                  *
[22:29:08] ************************************

[22:29:08]   Loading filterscript 'attachments.amx'...
[22:29:08]   Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[22:29:08] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[22:29:08] Gamemode started.
[22:29:08] Gamemode started.
[22:29:08] Gamemode started.
[22:29:08] test.
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 1 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 2 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 3 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 4 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 5 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 6 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 7 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 8 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 9 loaded
[22:29:08] Paintball Arena 10 loaded
[22:29:08] test.
[22:29:08] test1.
[22:29:08] test111.
[22:29:08] test11.
[22:29:08] test111222.
[22:29:08] 22247.
[22:29:08] 1222222222222222.
[22:29:47] t4444est.
[22:29:47] testhere.
[22:29:47] [script] 3DTEXTDRAW LIMIT: 1024 (Static, non-streamed) | 3DTEXTDRAW COUNT: 1842
[22:29:47] [script] PICKUP LIMIT: 4096 (Static, non-streamed) | PICKUP COUNT: 1680
[22:29:47] [script] OBJECT LIMIT: 1000 (Static, non-streamed) | OBJECT COUNT: 10062
[22:29:47] -------------------------------------------
[22:29:47] Loading...
[22:29:47] Welcome to Next Evolution Roleplay
[22:29:47] -------------------------------------------
[22:29:47] Number of vehicle models: 98
[22:30:04] Incoming connection:
[22:30:05] [join] Richard_Flame has joined the server (0:
[22:30:15] Richard_Flame has logged in.
[22:30:15]  Loading Richard_Flame's vehicles.
[22:30:15]  Loading all vehicles mods.
[22:30:21] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /god
[22:30:22] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /aduty
[22:30:24] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /givegun 0 24
[22:30:25] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /toys
[22:30:28] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /toys
[22:30:47] [zcmd] [Richard Flame]: /toys
[22:32:09] --- Server Shutting Down.
[22:32:09]  Disabled Tez's Fast Food Menu's 
[22:32:09] --------------------------------------

[22:32:09] ---------------------------------------
[22:32:09]    |.:NeedToEat System by Zimon95:.|   
[22:32:09] ------------|Unloaded|-----------------

[22:32:09] ************************************
[22:32:09] *                                  *
[22:32:09] *        -----------------         *
[22:32:09] *       LuX SpeedoMeter v2.0       *
[22:32:09] *        -----------------         *
[22:32:09] *           By LuxurioN            *
[22:32:09] *                                  *
[22:32:09] ************************************

[22:32:09] [part] Richard_Flame has left the server (0:0)

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded ***


*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito unloaded ***


[22:32:09]  ===============================

[22:32:09]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[22:32:09]  ===============================
I loaded the attachments.amx but i still have the older toy editing system?
This not works.
wait server package 0.3e or 0.3x?

Nothing is wrong. That would be used by typing "/attachments". You would have to script it into your game-mode for it to work with your toy system.

Originally Posted by EvanA
Посмотреть сообщение
Nothing is wrong. That would be used by typing "/attachments". You would have to script it into your game-mode for it to work with your toy system.
You mean i need to edit the filterscript command need to be "/toys" to working good?
EDIT: I Found what need to be scripted, thanks
E:\NERP\filterscripts\attachments.pwn(289) : error 017: undefined symbol "TOYS"
E:\NERP\filterscripts\attachments.pwn(290) : warning 217: loose indentation
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/toys", true))
        new string[128];
        for(new x;x<MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS;x++)
            if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, x)) format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%d (Used)\n", string, x);
            else format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%d\n", string, x);
        ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, TOYS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Toy Menu", "Attach/Dettach a Toy\nEdit a Toy\nDelete a Toy","Select", "Cancel" );
	return 1;

First of all, correct me if I'm wrong but the script you are using is Z_CMD isn't it? In that case, thats whats causing these errors. If its not ZCMD, do the following...
You must have "TOYS" defined properly... Make sure its defined and you shouldn't get an error. I hope this helped.

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