SA-MP's Population is Decreasing Or Increasing ??

I saw my friends leaving sa-mp. So i started a poll to know how much sa-mp is growing in the gaming world.

The facts still say it's increasing.

The statistics speak for themselves. (

If you base your conclusion on that chart, you can safely say it's increasing, although I think the current player-record is somehow invalid ...

thanks danny for your graph.
happy to see it increasing

HgHGTA V comes out = bye samp

Originally Posted by Danny.
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The statistics speak for themselves. (

If you base your conclusion on that chart, you can safely say it's increasing, although I think the current player-record is somehow invalid ...
Dat peak 0_o It's like in 1 day there were 15 373 servers and 80 457 player suddenly, next day they are gone x) But obviously the players are (still) increasing.

Originally Posted by playbox12
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The facts still say it's increasing.
How much do you think its increasing by?.

Originally Posted by toXioneer
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Funny how the rating showed 80k players as record, and 15k server... too many empty servers...
Only custom scripts seems like all kiddos play edits now days. i have to agree on that

Originally Posted by Vukilore
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SAMP 0.4 is "certainly" coming in few month, with major update, and with every update we gain more players.
GTA V will be way better on a computer then a ugly console box.

Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium
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Dat peak 0_o It's like in 1 day there were 15 373 servers and 80 457 player suddenly, next day they are gone x) But obviously the players are (still) increasing.
Yeah, that's why I find it hard to believe, especially if you look at the sudden increase of online servers underneath the player count. The peak is almost identical. I think someone has found a way to launch A LOT of servers containing bot-players at the same time, and I'm a little bit surprised there isn't any mod/betatester that shares this opinion. If they would, I assume an investigation would have been started.

Originally Posted by Danny.
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Yeah, that's why I find it hard to believe, especially if you look at the sudden increase of online servers underneath the player count. The peak is almost identical. I think someone has found a way to launch A LOT of servers containing bot-players at the same time, and I'm a little bit surprised there isn't any mod/betatester that shares this opinion. If they would, I assume an investigation would have been started.
Conspiracy theorys; if it's all about Conspiracy theorys now, altering a number such as that wouldn't be too hard. From the Kalcors actual end or the website owned by whoever.

I do not share this opinion, I would just like to start a conspiracy theory (I don;t wish to hail the ban hammer :P)

Looking at the facts, as given by the chart, the player count is on a valley, but quite stable rising. Player counts usually explode when a new version is released, and quickly drop again after people tried all the new stuff. The 80k player maximum obviously was something like a fake server spam, means, some guys registered a lot of faked servers to the masterlist, that seemed to be full of players. Thats because playercount rose "slowly" (when new servers get created), but afterwards drop instantly (when the faking IPs got banned). It is obviously not a bug or a bot spam, as the servercount went up accordingly, and a single bug would not make the playercount grow slowly.

So, GTA V will NOT make the playercounts drop a lot. They might go down a bit as some people play the singleplayer, but will rise again afterwards. Even in the PC version, the GTA V multiplayer wont be a competitor for samp, as they got nothing in common, except that they take place in San Andreas.

It only get interesting, when GTA online comes up, as this will be competing with the RP servers. Not much revealed about it yet, but imo it was inspired a lot by samp.

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