14.08.2013, 17:41
Heya all,
ive created this little command for show me the server records but thats bugged with id 0 i guess and sometimes nobody got that value so its 0 and then is name not showing. I hope you have some adive how to short this code and fix that bugs
ive created this little command for show me the server records but thats bugged with id 0 i guess and sometimes nobody got that value so its 0 and then is name not showing. I hope you have some adive how to short this code and fix that bugs

CMD:records(playerid,params[]) { new maxkills = 0,id[7],maxrobs = 0,math = 0,ccash = 0,duel = 0,r_string[750],topweed = 0,rep = 0; for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(pInfo[i][Kills] > maxkills) { maxkills = pInfo[i][Kills]; id[0] = i; } } for(new b;b<MAX_PLAYERS;b++) { if(pInfo[b][Robbed] > maxrobs) { maxrobs = pInfo[b][Robbed]; id[1] = b; } } for(new a;a<MAX_PLAYERS;a++) { if(ZjistitHraciPenize(a) > ccash) { ccash = ZjistitHraciPenize(a); id[2] = a; } } for(new c;c<MAX_PLAYERS;c++) { if(pInfo[c][mWons] > math) { math = pInfo[c][mWons]; id[3] = c; } } for(new u;u<MAX_PLAYERS;u++) { if(pInfo[u][DuelWons] > duel) { duel = pInfo[u][DuelWons]; id[4] = u; } } for(new n;n<MAX_PLAYERS;n++) { if(wInfo[n][Weed] > topweed) { topweed = wInfo[n][Weed]; id[5] = n; } } for(new p;p<MAX_PLAYERS;p++) { if(pInfo[p][Reputation] > rep) { rep = pInfo[p][Reputation]; id[6] = p; } } strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top killer: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top robberies: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top math wons: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top money: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d$\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top duels wons: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top weed: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); strcat(r_string, "{00A7FF}Top reputation: "W"%s {00A7FF}- "W"%d\n", sizeof(r_string)); format(r_string, sizeof(r_string), r_string, PlayerName(id[0]),pInfo[id[0]][Kills], PlayerName(id[1]),pInfo[id[1]][Robbed], PlayerName(id[3]),pInfo[id[3]][mWons], PlayerName(id[2]),ZjistitHraciPenize(id[2]), PlayerName(id[4]),pInfo[id[4]][DuelWons], PlayerName(id[5]),wInfo[id[5]][Weed], PlayerName(id[6]),pInfo[id[6]][Reputation]); SPD(playerid,D_REC,0,"Server records",r_string,"Close",""); return 1; }