29.07.2013, 10:18
Script: From 0
Details: I made a PM system but seems i got an error that throws me...
Line: 589 - Invalid expression, assumed zero
Line: 589 - function "OnPlayerClickPlayer" is not implemented
Line: 592 - undefined symbol "clickedplayerid"
Line: 595 - compound statement not closed at the end of file (starded at line 539)
NOTE: if dialogid starts from line 577!
Details: I made a PM system but seems i got an error that throws me...
577 if (dialogid == 12581) 578 { 579 if(!response) return 1; 580 if(!strlen(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FF1900}PM: {C3C3C3}Your message must contain characters!"); 581 new msg[255], pname[255]; 582 GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 255); 583 format(msg, 255, "{FF1900}PM from {C3C3C3}%s{FF1900}: {C3C3C3}%s", pname, inputtext); 584 SendClientMessage(SendingPM[playerid], COLOR_WHITE, msg); 585 } 586 return 1; 587 } 588 589 public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source) 590 { 591 ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 12581, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, " ", "Please write a message below:", "Send", "Cancel"); 592 SendingPM[playerid] = clickedplayerid; 593 return 1; 594 } 595
Line: 589 - function "OnPlayerClickPlayer" is not implemented
Line: 592 - undefined symbol "clickedplayerid"
Line: 595 - compound statement not closed at the end of file (starded at line 539)
NOTE: if dialogid starts from line 577!