Change Picture of the Adboards

Hy members!

Does anybody know, how to change the picture of the ingame adboard-Objects to own images (streamed from web)? I know, there is a "SetObjectMaterial"-Function to change it to another material of the game, but is there a way to set my own picture?

Is this possible to do with textdraws?

Thanks for all helps and ideas,

kind regards,

You can use SetObjectMaterial, and then write something on the billboard, And i gues you can make pixelart bilboards, but you can't stream images from web, the only way is to let them download your pictures, and then insert .txd files in their SA, but that is not actualy connected with samp. x) So, no, you can't stream them, or do it with textraws, told you what is the only way. x) Cheers!

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