21.07.2013, 10:01
Following question:
I've made a serversided anti-weapon hack. Sometimes it's kinda buggy, because it detects player, who have no guns. So I've tried to skip players without guns in the weapon-check for the specific slot (Like Player1 has in slot 0 no guns -> The check skips this slot and continue checking for slot 1, and so on..).
How can I return to the for()-loop without stopping the whole function?
Thanks for help
I've made a serversided anti-weapon hack. Sometimes it's kinda buggy, because it detects player, who have no guns. So I've tried to skip players without guns in the weapon-check for the specific slot (Like Player1 has in slot 0 no guns -> The check skips this slot and continue checking for slot 1, and so on..).
public ACSUpdate(playerid) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Spawned") == 1) { for(new slot; slot < 11; slot++) { GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid, slot, WeaponCheck[playerid][slot], WeaponAmmoCheck[playerid][slot]); if(WeaponCheck[playerid][slot] == 0 && WeaponAmmoCheck[playerid][slot] == 0) return 0; // Here is the problem.. if(Weapon[playerid][slot] != WeaponCheck[playerid][slot] || WeaponAmmo[playerid][slot] - WeaponAmmoCheck[playerid][slot] < 0 || WeaponAmmoCheck[playerid][slot] < 0) { ACSKick(playerid, "Waffen/Ammo Hack"); } } } return 1; }
Thanks for help