[FilterScript] Flexible Mission Script

Flexible Mission Script BETA v1
I noticed too many bugs after i released this. Im fixing it all and will repost this when its no longer in beta! (2 Days)

Before We Begin
This is meant for people with previous scripting knowledge! Otherwise it may confuse people easily!
Its not friendly to brand new scripters!

I have not yet tested this script. I will test it before i release the non beta version! Feel free to post bugs below if you find any!

What is it?
This is a mission script that can be easily edited to create missions for ANY vehicle!
It took me about four hours to make.

How do you add missions types?
Under newMTData[][MissionTypes] =
Add a new line like this.
{"Name",Type ID}

Explanation: The type ids increment up from 1 and above. Make sure no two types have the same type id! The name can be Truck or Taxi. Whatever the mission is described to be!

How to add vehicle to missions?
Under ModelInfo[212][MissionVehicles]= is 212 little brackets like so.
The //401 is the vehicle model. Only one type of mission can be assigned to a vehicle!

To make a vehicle work for missions, you have to first make it valid by making the first 0 a 1.
Then, you have to define the mission type it works with in the second 0. The id is the same as the mission type we added earlier.
Third, you must change the third 0 to the multiplier rate. This system determines pay by getting the distance between the load and unload and multiplying it by this rate. You must set it to 1 or above or you wont get paid. Vehicles can have different multiplier rates.

How do you add load points?
Under MPRand[][MissionPoints] =
You have to add a line like so.
Its pretty self explanitory. You Name the load point, the type of mission its used for, and the coordinates.

How do i add load names?
Under LNRand[][LoadNames] =
you have to add a line like so.
Again, should be self explanitory. You put the load name and type of mission it goes with.

Useful Information
This system automatically determines payment!
It sends notices like
"Rokzlive delivered Nukes from LS Harbor to Area 51" to the whole server.
You define how your paid at the top:
"#define ADD_MISSION_MONEY(%1,%2) GivePlayerMoney(%1,%2)"
The %1 is player id and %2 is money amount.

Final Comments
I still need to add commands and score functions. Im releasing this now so people can start using it (granted they finish it) and develop their own personal versions for personal use.


Hope to test it out when you finish.

I don't see download link? Where is it?

Originally Posted by (SC)=Sky=
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I don't see download link? Where is it?
He is currently fixing all the bugs. tip: read the post ^^^^ its tells you

Oh sorry did not notice ..

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