Weird...Help? SA-MP not working for UK?

Well I got a couple friends from the UK on the other line on Skype asking me a few questions that I do not know the answer to. They can't seem to connect to any servers on the hosted that or forums or just anything related to SA-MP itself so I'm requesting some help because they really need the assistance they want to play. Thank you for reading!

Can you run a trace route? Type tracert IP in command prompt.

Hi, I'm from the UK and I can confirm this happens to me too (having to use HideMyAss to post this so slowwwww >_>). When I do a tracert to it simply comes up with the following.


Unable to resolve target system name

Sorry I can't be of any more assistance. :/

EDIT: Seems to be working again now! Thanks. Any clarification on what happened?

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