09.08.2014, 19:11
aWeather - Advanced Weather Manipulation
- What is this?
This is an original(I believe) idea I had quite a while ago, and I finally had time to implement it.
This is basically a "system" that randomizes weather ID's a week ahead, and actually holding the weather information for the next 7 days.
Why? I had nothing better to do.
- How to use?
Simply put the files in the right directories, add "advancedWeather" to your filterscripts line in server.cfg, and let the script do its' job.
To watch the forecast, type /forecast or simply hold N.
Releasing N or writing /forecast again would make the menu go away.
- Images
Click to view full image.
- What can I change?
The clock and the day name(see in the image) is hideable, if you don't want to see it for some reason(RP server, or you think it's ugly and you can do better.)
To hide it, simply comment this line:
pawn Code:
#define USE_CLOCK
//#define USE_CLOCK //Like this!
pawn Code:
new possibleWeathers[ ][ ][ ] = {
{0, "Extra Sunny"},
{1, "Sunny"},
{2, "Extra Sunny with Smog"},
{3, "Sunny with Smog"},
{4, "Cloudy"},
{5, "Sunny"},
{6, "Extra Sunny"},
{7, "Cloudy"},
{8, "Rainy"},
{9, "Foggy"},
{10, "Sunny"},
{11, "Extra Sunny"},
{12, "Cloudy"},
{13, "Extra Sunny"},
{14, "Sunny"},
{15, "Cloudy"},
{16, "Rainy"},
{17, "Extra Sunny"},
{18, "Sunny"}
} ;
{ID, "Name"}.
pawn Code:
new possibleWeathers[ ][ ][ ] = {
{0, "Extra Sunny"},
{1, "Sunny"},
{2, "Extra Sunny with Smog"},
{3, "Sunny with Smog"},
{4, "Cloudy"},
{5, "Sunny"},
{6, "Extra Sunny"},
{7, "Cloudy"},
{8, "Rainy"},
{9, "Foggy"},
{10, "Sunny"},
{11, "Extra Sunny"},
{12, "Cloudy"},
{13, "Extra Sunny"},
{14, "Sunny"},
{15, "Cloudy"},
{16, "Rainy"},
{17, "Extra Sunny"},
{18, "Sunny"},
{100, "Red Hell"}, //These are the ones I added!
{250, "Pink Skys"}
} ;
You can remove weathers at the same way. Just remove the line if you don't want this weather to be generated.
- Thanks to
Zeex - zcmd.
[MM]RoXoR[FS] - tdgroups.inc.
iPLE0MAX - His amazing textdraw editor.
Y_Less - foreach.
weedarr - His resource site which provided info on weather IDs.
- Download
Solidfiles - .rar archive that includes all the includes needed. (Recommended)
pastebin - Source only. (Not recommended)