08.06.2013, 02:45
Galera to com um host de boa ali, e os fs carrega tudo de boa, mais o gm, ele fala "file not is found" e nгo carrega o gm. E Oquк Acontece? liga outro gm .-. Se puderem me ajudar por favor
plugins sscanf.so streamer.so ou outros com extensгo .so ou para linux....
quando ligo o server na host, ele liga normal soq fala "File not Found" e tbm, fala que carrego 0 plugins, mais eu estou tentando coloca la em Plugins o nome das plugins que eu uso mais ai a host nгo liga.
[20:26:02] --- Server Shutting Down.
[20:26:02] Fire-Power by BRICS unloaded.
[20:26:02] Anti-Divulgador Unloaded!
[20:26:02] --------------------------------------
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team
[20:26:07] announce = 1 (bool)
[20:26:07] Server Plugins
[20:26:07] --------------
[20:26:07] Loaded 0 plugins.
[20:26:07] Filterscripts
[20:26:07] ---------------
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'carnaval.amx'...
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'fogo.amx'...
[20:26:07] Fire-Power by BRICS loaded.
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'gang.amx'...
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'mape1.amx'...
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'mape2.amx'...
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'mni.amx'...
[20:26:07] Unable to load filterscript 'mni.amx'.
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'peda.amx'...
[20:26:07] [ FS ] Pedagios
[20:26:07] Creditos: By Dean
[20:26:07] Nгo Retire os Creditos
[20:26:07] --------------------------------------
[20:26:07] [ FS ] Pedagios
[20:26:07] Creditos: By Dean
[20:26:07] Nгo Retire os Creditos
[20:26:07] --------------------------------------
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'S.H.S.amx'...
[20:26:07] Hotel System By SuB_ZeRo0_ [0.3]
[20:26:07] Versao: 0.0.1 || PREMIUM: NAO
[20:26:07] Comandos PREMIUM: //---=---\
[20:26:07] ==============================================
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'ovni.amx'...
[20:26:07] | [FS] UFO |
[20:26:07] | by |
[20:26:07] | Gantzyo |
[20:26:07] +==========================+
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'adm.amx'...
[20:26:07] Loading filterscript 'divulgacao.amx'...
[20:26:07] Anti-Divulgador Loaded!
[20:26:07] --------------------------------------
[20:26:07] Loaded 10 filterscripts.
[20:26:07] Script[gamemodes/abc.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:26:07] Number of vehicle models: 0