key logger?

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****** it!

Originally Posted by carz0159
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i dont think it matters as its his households computer, possibly even his, i want a keylogger for my pc just to see if others use my pc, and what they do on my friends if i leave the room for a minute. i want to see what files they deleted, etc. im sure its not illegal if you put it on your own pc.
it can be illegal using it on other computers witch is very by the law.
tbh keyloggin into your sis computer its kinda rude! she might even have private stuff on her computer i would never do that. am not saying you done it but whoever the person is doing it its seriously silly.

A key logger basically logs all key skrokes on your computer basically if you type anything persay "Hey" he will get a Email or it will upload to his FTP server with this information, He most likely is bluffy people some people are too stupid to know how to actually code an affective key logger, instead they use programs such as Project Neptune and get key logged their selves.

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