Objects only appear when youre close

stream_distance 500.0
stream_rate 1000

Why do my objects only appear when im very close to them?


Did you used a streamer for your objects? or did you used createobject?

Originally Posted by jordy.kiesebrink
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Did you used a streamer for your objects? or did you used createobject?
Dynamicobject with streamer

the stream_distance in server.cfg affects vehicles, player/+blips etc, but not objects.
let me guess: did you forget to add the parameter for the stream/view distance? there are two of them now - as start, i suggest to set them both to the same value: 500.0, depending if there are less than 800 objects close...

This could also be a client-side issue. Try checking your view distance in graphic options in game. This effects stream distance, I've come to notice.

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