Camera on helicopter

is it possible to attach a cam to a helicopter like when a cop is in mdc he will can chose --> heli cam
and then he will the view of the heli

is it possible and how do i need to make it?

like /cam {helicopter number}
and /addcam , /removecam

--Sorry for my bad English, I'm Dutch.

You can make a player spectate a vehicle.But when he specs he is not a player rather a spectator.He can watch the heli but cannot play.

Attach your camera to object (like invisible one or something that looks like a spotlight) and then you should attach this object to the vehicle.

Blank object: 19300

But the player can't play??Because the whole screen will be watching the vehicle.And can't play?

Originally Posted by Yashas
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But the player can't play??Because the whole screen will be watching the vehicle.And can't play?
So what? He can turn the camera view pressing "h" or something alike. So whenever the player wants this view he can swap between them. If he want to attach this to the helicopter this is no big deal because helicopter can stay in the air for some time itself. When a player feels he is going down, he can turn back to the normal view and pull up. Simple as that.

no i mean someone is flyin the heli and there is a cop in the car and can do /helicam and then watch his view

Originally Posted by Konewka
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Attach your camera to object (like invisible one or something that looks like a spotlight) and then you should attach this object to the vehicle.

Blank object: 19300
how to disable it ?

DestroyObject ?

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