New Server, Need help with gamemode!

I've started a new server and I'm trying to put together a pretty good freeroam game mode. Right now I have the ZAdmin4.2 administration system in and it seems pretty decent. I'm currently working on a housing system useing GarHouse v2.0 but I cannot figure out why the "buy" button doesn't work after you create a house. I've read that it might be a OnDialogResponse issue but I can't seem to solve the problem.

I wanting to put a Admin system, Housing system, Mission system, Vehicle Fuel / Refuel system, Vehicle Dealership system, and i'm doing a little custom mapping also. Still not sure if I want to allow weapons or not, this will mostly be a chill/ laid back server where u can earn money and buy houses, cars, and hang out with ur buddies.

If anybody is willing to help on putting these systems together, or recommends good systems to use that would be great. I haven't found a really good gamemode already coded so i was thinking of just starting from scratch and adding these systems one by one. Would that be the best way to go about creating your own gamemode? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and anybody who helps with any part of the coding will have admin rights in the server. I'm looking to get this up by the beginning of June. This is my first time messing around with this kind of coding and I'm still learning all the basics so bare with me lol. Thanks

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