20.04.2013, 22:27
This was no more than my attempt to write down an administrative filterscript for my clan which ended in nothing, so i decided to release it! I might probally release a new version in the near future.
// 43 Commands included in it. //
Command List:
Installation Tutorial
Download the files and extract wherever you'd like. Then, place the both files .amx and .pwn inside your filterscript folder.
The scriptfiles folders goes inside your server root folder.
Download Link: GwE_Niko Admin Filterscript
Niko Admin Filterscript
// 43 Commands included in it. //
Command List:
- /stats
- /admins
- /a
- /ahelp
- /announce
- /eject
- /clearchat
- /setworld
- /setplayertime
- /setweatherall
- /setweather
- /setplayertime
- /spectate
- /specoff
- /akill
- /jetpack
- /mute
- /unmute
- /giveweapon
- /explode
- /asay
- /god
- /givecash
- /freeze
- /unfreeze
- /aduty
- /kick
- /akill
- /settime
- /sethealth
- /setarmor
- /slap
- /get
- /goto
- /ban
- /healall
- /armorall
- /getall
- /killall
- /troll
- /minigun
- /freeze
- /freezeall
- /unfreeze
- /unfreezeall
- /setlevel
Installation Tutorial
Download the files and extract wherever you'd like. Then, place the both files .amx and .pwn inside your filterscript folder.
The scriptfiles folders goes inside your server root folder.
Download Link: GwE_Niko Admin Filterscript